Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Fall Clubs 2019: Monday
Monday clubs this Fall begin on September 9th and run eight Mondays to October 28th.
*PUSH Your Limits will skip October 14th, and conclude on November 4th.
*Medieval Swordplay will skip September 23rd, and conclude on November 4th.
*Process Art skipped September 16th, and will also conclude on November 4th.

Yoga Games
2:15-3:15 AND 3:30-4:30, grade range: K-3
Yoga is a wonderful way to open your child to the awareness of their place in the world. Each class will focus on a lesson or theme and will include creative yoga flow, breath work, games, stories, music, partner/group activities, visualization and relaxation. Through yoga, your child will develop strength, flexibility, self-confidence, balance, coordination, focus and discover the ability to feel calm.
And, since we had so much interest last year, we are offering two groups of this club on Mondays this fall! Look for "Yoga Games, Group 1" and "Yoga Games, Group 2" on the sign-up form!
Instructor: Ms. Brandon Hudson, RCYT, E-RYT, MAT, is a yoga teacher, children’s yoga teacher, a children’s yoga teacher trainer, and a trained yoga therapist that has over 15 years' experience working with both children and adults.
NOTE: There will be a substitute for the first two weeks!

Medieval Swordplay
2:15-3:15, grade range: 3-8
*This club has a cost of $165
Join Asheville's growing swordplay community, and play fun new games created by students! Learn swordplay skills, honor, discipline, and teamwork! Each session this year we will specialize in teaching the tactics for a different gear set, such as swords, spears, or archery.
Instructor: Phil Ferguson, http://wanderingswordsman.com/

I'd Rather Be Fishing
3:30-5:30, grade range: 3-8
This club has a cost of $150 (covers tackle!)
Spend the afternoon chasing Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Bass and even Trout. If this is your first time baiting a hook, or you’re a seasoned fisherman with your own Tall Tales, join us for Fishing Club and get hooked! Bring your own rod and reel, we’ll provide tackle, bait and a local guide to East Asheville’s hottest fishing holes.
Instructor: Erin Pagliaro, Evergreen 4th Grade Associate

Process Art
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-2
Process art is a contemporary artistic movement recognized within the world’s art communities. The Museum of Contemporary Art points out that “in process art, the means count for more than the ends.” Process art is all about the experience the children have while they’re creating. If it has a nice end product, that’s great, but the end product isn’t the focus of process art.
We will have fun exploring different ways to make art, including painting, paper craft, clay and mixed media (recycled art!) Join us for something different every week, and learn some great ideas to explore at home!
Instructor: Kay Cole, Evergreen EC Associate

PUSH Your Limits!
4:00-5:00 grade range: 3-8
This club has a cost of $195
Learn all about skateboarding, while building the skills to skate safely and creatively! No experience is necessary to participate in this program. There will be a variety of skate-able obstacles for us to all skate together. Students are asked to bring their own skateboard and helmet, and elbow/knee pads are also recommended. Instructors Eric Hunt and Rob Sebrell of PUSH Skateshop have been skateboarding for over 20 years, and run the annual PUSH Skate Camp. Sign up and join the Push Skate Club and get ready to rip and have some fun!
Instructor: Eric Hunt, PUSH Skate Shop, http://www.pushtoyproject.com/

Wolfpack Sports: Volleyball
4:00-5:30, grade range: 5-8
This Wolfpack Sport has a cost of $150
NOTE: Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students. Dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
Evergreen Wolfpack Volleyball will have a mix of team practices, joint clinics with other schools, and full matches.
Coach: Emily Boykin, Evergreen Athletic Director and 6th Grade Associate

Can't decide? Due to Evergreen's earlier Monday dismissal time, club times have been staggered to allow Evergreen students to choose between the following double options. Please be sure to heed grade ranges.
Yoga and TBD - $170 (K-2nd)
Yoga and PUSH Your Limits - $220 (3rd grade only)
Swordplay and Fishing- $200 (3rd-8th)
Swordplay and PUSH Your Limits - $260 (3rd-8th)
Swordplay and Volleyball- $200 (3rd-8th)