Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.

Se Habla Español
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-2
Come and join me for some fun activities, including: hiking, arts & crafts, read aloud, and games. I am excited to share with you my native language, Spanish. Nos vamos a divertir muchisimo! We are going to have lots of fun!
Maestra: Mari Echevarria, Evergreen 5th Grade Associate

Pitch Invaders
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-2
Did you know a soccer field is called a pitch? Either way, we don't advocate actually invading it, but we do encourage all kids to be familiar with the world's most popular sport! Whether your child is on a team already and just wants some extra touches, or has never touched a ball before, this club is a great way to play some soccer in a way that's much more structured than recess, yet without the "official" feel of being on a team. Plus, no need to get up early on Saturdays!
Instructor: Kevin Thompson, Evergreen 3rd Grade Associate and

School of Rock
4:00-5:00, grade range: 3-6
This is a club for beginners, kids wanting to learn the basics of guitar-playing and instrument care. Participating students will receive guitars to use for the duration of their participation in the program. Upon signing up, please print, fill out, and return this form to Mr. Brian. Your child will be being asked stop playing Stairway over and over again in no time!
Instructor: Brian Bickel, Evergreen Music Teacher

Theater Arts and Playwriting
3:45-5:15, grade range: 3-6
In this class students will collaborate on a short script and perform the final product at the end of the session. Through confidence-building games and a focus on working as a team, this class will be a fun and exciting way to introduce theatre arts and basic playwriting.
Director: Josephine Thomas, Evergreen parent and substitute teacher

Adventure Team: Adventure Flight
4:00-5:30, grade range: 4-8
Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $205.
Take flight into the world of adventure and experience all of our awesome adventure activities. Do you like bikes...and climbing...and making fires...and romping around in the woods like a muskrat but you can't choose which club to sign up for? This package gives you two weeks of climbing, two weeks of biking, two weeks of wilderness skills, and two weeks of student choice!
*Weather will determine which weeks for which activities.
Instructor: Michael Kligerman, Evergreen 4th Grade Associate

Wolfpack Sports: Soccer
3:45-5:30, grade range: 5-8
Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $205.
Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
Evergreen Wolfpack Soccer competes with the schools in The Hospitality League, and we supplement the schedule with games with a few other area schools. There's room for any skill or experience level! Specific schedules and team information will be sent to those that sign up.
Coach: Kevin Smith, Evergreen Technology Teacher and Athletic Director