Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Winter Clubs 2017-2018 Tuesdays

Tuesday clubs this Winter will begin on November 28th, and run eight Tuesdays to January 30th. There are no meetings during Winter break.
*Collage Art missed 12/12 and also skips 1/30, so it will end on 2/13
*Wolfpack Basketball - continue to follow schedule communicated by coaches
*Wolfpack Dream Team - weekly practices have ended; coaches will be in touch about performances

Lego Maniacs
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-3
Do you love to create with legos? Put together lego kits? Build, share, and get amazing ideas from your friends? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, the Lego Maniac Club is for you. The familiar clink of legos will be heard around Evergreen in this fun-filled, inspirational club. Bring your own or use legos that are provided. Kids will get a chance to share their creations and inspire each other as they use legos to design their own creations and/or use pre-designed kits. Our final product will be a creation of lego videos that you will be able to watch on You Tube from the comfort of your own home
Instructor: Heather Tate, Evergreen Kindergarten Teacher

Creative Collage Art
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-2
This Collage Art club will be a creative outlet for children. We will create artwork using mixed
media. We will cut, tear, glue, draw and paint. We plan to work on some seasonal projects as
well as self-portraits. We will use books, as inspiration as well as nature. Join us and create!
Instructor: Gina Barnard, Evergreen First Grade Associate

3:45-4:45, grade range: 1-5
When you join the chess club, you will learn how the pieces move, special moves like check, checkmate, and castling, strategies for how to begin a game, how to win a game, and how to have fun doing all of this! Chess will help you to learn how to think better, and just may make you smarter! You will get to play chess with the other club members, and study real life games and work on chess puzzles. You can even play in tournaments!
Instructor: Bruce Roth, Asheville area chess master

Adventure Skills And Wilderness First Aid Club
3:45-5:15, grade range: 5-8
*This Adventure Team club has a cost of $160 for ECCS students, $180 for others.
How do you define adventure? In this club, we will explore what adventure is, how to prepare, and why we adventure in the first place. Along with that, you will learn Basic Wilderness First Aid skills, from splints to CPR. Join up and you will be setting up top notch shelters, building splints, making fire without matches or lighters, treating hypothermia, moving and blending in with nature, cooking outdoors, and understanding the principles of Leave No Trace. This is a great opportunity to learn intermediate to advanced outdoor skills based on your level of adventuring.
Instructor: Doug White, Evergreen Adventure Coordinator

Wolfpack Sports: Dream Team
3:45-5:15, grade range: 5-8
*Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $200.
Note: Club starts November 21st, 1 week before other Tuesday clubs
Cheer/Dance team is a fun way to get moving!
Throughout the 8 weeks, we will learn about different styles of dance, crank up the music, create original routines and cheers, and dance as a team! We will support the Evergreen Basketball team by dancing/cheering at one or more games throughout the season.
No dance or cheer experience is necessary. Bring your moves and let’s dance!
Coaches: Skyla Delerme and Chris Woodward, Evergreen Middle School Associates

Wolfpack Sports: Basketball
3:30-5:30, grade range: 5-8
*Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $200.
Note: Club starts November 21st, 1 week before other Tuesday clubs
Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
We will have two distinct squads, a JV made up of younger and beginner students, and a Varsity made of the more experienced folks. Both teams will compete against the schools in The Hospitality League. Varsity will substitute some games with other higher-level groups, and will participate in the annual Evergreen Staff vs. Students game. Specific schedules to be made available to those that sign up.
Coaches: Jeff Armstrong, Evergreen 6th Grade Teacher, Emily Boykin, Evergreen 6th Grade Associate, and Jamal Jabali, EverAfter Associate.