Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
EverAfter Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to the new EverAfter Newsletter page!
New Newsletters will be posted here, generally weekly. Previous letters will be archived here for easy reference.
January 30, 2025

Weekly note:
Hi parents,
Hey look, it got warmer this week! Must be time to talk about summer camp....
No really, I get more questions about that in January than you'd think. For those of you that don't know, Evergreen has a summer camp, sort of a tangent of EverAfter, called Evergreen Summer Adventures. While we don't have registration ready for this year yet, I can say that we plan to operate for five weeks this summer: June 23-27, and July 7-Aug 1. We expect to have enrollment going by mid-February.
Last week I mentioned checking the lost and found--we are going to do a big purge on Wednesday morning, so check it Monday or Tuesday for sure!
Looking ahead, March 3rd-7th is Evergreen's...er...March break? We used to call it February Break, but this year it's entirely in March. Anyhoo, whatever you call it, it's a full week off school for Evergreen students, and EverAfter will operate all day care each day that week. If you need to sign up, see the link on SchoolBucks. If you need to check and see if you're signed up, email me directly. We will have regular pickups from Oakley, Bell, and Haw Creek this week.
Lastly, this is for K-1 kids only--our amazing crew has decided that every Friday will be Yoga day! Some of the kids really enjoy this, so if your kid is one of them, maybe consider not picking up until after 5:00? The Yoga effort is lead by Ms. Brandon. Brandon happens to also be a licensed Yoga instructor with much experience, not to mention her own Yoga business!
- James
Weekly quote:
(Yes, one of your children said this...)

Upcoming dates of note:
Jan 28, 30, Feb 4, 6, 11 - Basketball games in gym, note alternate sign-out location
March 3-7 - "March break" for Evergreen, all day care offered each day. All day signup available, link is in SchoolBucks.
March 26 & 27 - Evergreen Exhibition Nights, expect EverAfter to close at 5pm these days
April 11 - Evergreen conference day, all day care available
April 14-18 - Spring Break, EverAfter closed.
FAQ of the Week
What is the policy on kids bringing personal items and toys?
Items need to be able to fit seamlessly into bags/backpacks.
Share it with everyone, or keep it put it away.
Items depicting violence in any way should stay at home--goes along with our expectation that children choose games of peace.
Take home what you bring--don't give things away! (Applies especially to Pokèmon cards and Bei Blades!)
Anything brought could get dirty, ruined, or lost--is it worth the risk?
Books belonging to a school or county library must stay inside.
Any time a personal item causes any sort of disruption, for any reason, EverAfter staff may ask the child to put the item away.

EverAfter Payments
All EverAfter fees are payable and due weekly through MySchoolBucks.
Invoices can be set up for automatic payment using the "Payment Options" button.
EverAfter enrollment information, pickup PINs, and payment records are in the SchoolBucks tangent site called MSB Activities.
Evergreen's Tax ID is 56-2094405

Download the MSB Parent App!
EverAfter Contact Info
Christine Gray, Attendance Manager - 484-4989, christine.gray@evergreenccs.org
James Wilson, EverAfter Director - 298-2173 ext 1454, james.wilson@evergreenccs.org
Jean Reese, Front office and billing - 298-2173 ext 1213, jean.reese@evergreenccs.org
Sean Geran, Evergreen Athletic DIrector - athletic.director@evergreenccs.org
Community Resource Contacts
The following local and national resources are available if anyone in your family is ever experiencing a non-medical mental, emotional or substance use crisis 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year:
Community Resources:
United Way Community Resource Line - 211 or (828) 255-0696
NC 211 is a free, confidential, and multilingual health and human services information and referral system, available 24 hours a day in all 100 North Carolina counties.
The Caiyalynn Burrell Center (877) 277-8873, 277 Biltmore Ave
Crisis Situations:
In case of a non-medical mental health or substance use crisis, contact the following resources, available 24/7/365:
Mobile Crisis (all ages): 888-573-1006
The Caiyalynn Burrell Child Crisis Hotline. (866) 275.9552
C3356 Behavioral Care or Detox Walk-in (18+) 828-254-2700, 356 Biltmore Ave
Asheville Vaya Mental Health Line 1-800-849-6127
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273-8255 www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Trevor Hotline (LGBTQ youth-specific): 1-866-488-7386 www.thetrevorproject.org
For medical emergency or immediate safety concern: call 9-1-1