Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
EverAfter Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to the new EverAfter Newsletter page!
New Newsletters will be posted here, generally weekly. Previous letters will be archived here for easy reference.
January 24, 2025

Weekly note:
Hi parents,
This week I want to remind everyone about the upcoming Tuesdays and Thursdays (through February 11th) in which Evergreen's gym is hosting middle school basketball games. On these days, Christine and the sign-out desk will move to the "Art room" side of the gym, and be accessible through the doors on the right side of the building (the side as faced from the parking lot). We will put signs up in front of both sets of doors while the desk is relocated.
Another thing I wanted to mention is to please check the lost and found regularly. We will be making an effort to bring the lost and found rack and bins out daily, and as the weather warms back up (probably), these kids that are now used to 24 degree weather are going to start shedding and forgetting those coats!
Lastly this week, it's just about tax time! You can get all of your records from this school year in SchoolBucks. You can look at your order history, or you can use the reports feature of the EverAfter Registration. If you need records from our summer camp or from last school year, you'll need to dig up your MyPaymentsPlus account--the parent accounts are there still but we no longer have admin access to that. Evergreen's tax ID is 56-2094405.
Thanks, and stay warm!
- James
Weekly quote:
(Yes, one of your children said this...)
*these are all of last year's quotes--still building inventory of new ones!

Upcoming dates of note:
Jan 27 - BCS teacher workday, drop off available after 2pm for kids from Oakley, Bell and Haw Creek
Jan 28, 30, Feb 4, 6, 11 - Basketball games in gym, note alternate sign-out location
March 3-7 - "March break" for Evergreen, all day care offered each day, regular BCS pickups. All day signup available, link is in SchoolBucks.
FAQ of the Week
How do I get last year's payment records for tax purposes?
For January-June, you'll need to go back to our old site, MyPaymentsPlus. Parents accounts there are still active (but Evergreen's admin account isn't so we cannot look anything up for you)
For July-December, all payment records are in SchoolBucks.

EverAfter Payments
All EverAfter fees are payable and due weekly through MySchoolBucks.
Invoices can be set up for automatic payment using the "Payment Options" button.
EverAfter enrollment information, pickup PINs, and payment records are in the SchoolBucks tangent site called MSB Activities.
Evergreen's Tax ID is 56-2094405

Download the MSB Parent App!
EverAfter Contact Info
Christine Gray, Attendance Manager - 484-4989, christine.gray@evergreenccs.org
James Wilson, EverAfter Director - 298-2173 ext 1454, james.wilson@evergreenccs.org
Jean Reese, Front office and billing - 298-2173 ext 1213, jean.reese@evergreenccs.org
Kevin Smith, Evergreen Athletic DIrector - athletic.director@evergreenccs.org
Community Resource Contacts
The following local and national resources are available if anyone in your family is ever experiencing a non-medical mental, emotional or substance use crisis 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year:
Community Resources:
United Way Community Resource Line - 211 or (828) 255-0696
NC 211 is a free, confidential, and multilingual health and human services information and referral system, available 24 hours a day in all 100 North Carolina counties.
Crisis Situations:
In case of a non-medical mental health or substance use crisis, contact the following resources, available 24/7/365:
Mobile Crisis (all ages): 888-573-1006
The Caiyalynn Burrell Child Crisis Center. (877) 277-8873, 277 Biltmore Ave
C3356 Behavioral Care or Detox Walk-in (18+) 828-254-2700, 356 Biltmore Ave
Asheville Vaya Mental Health Line 1-800-849-6127
For medical emergency or immediate safety concern: call 9-1-1
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273-8255 www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Trevor Hotline (LGBTQ youth-specific): 1-866-488-7386 www.thetrevorproject.org