Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Spring Clubs - 2018 Tuesdays

Tuesday clubs this Spring will begin on March 13th, and run eight Tuesdays to May 8th. There are no meetings during Spring break.
*Some clubs could be postponed during the first and second week of May due to Evergreen end of year overnight trips; that we be decided on a case-by-case basis based on the grade levels of the student signed up for each club.

Lego Maniacs
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-3
Do you love to create with legos? Put together lego kits? Build, share, and get amazing ideas from your friends? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, the Lego Maniac Club is for you. The familiar clink of legos will be heard around Evergreen in this fun-filled, inspirational club. Bring your own or use legos that are provided. Kids will get a chance to share their creations and inspire each other as they use legos to design their own creations and/or use pre-designed kits. Our final product will be a creation of lego videos that you will be able to watch on You Tube from the comfort of your own home
Instructor: Heather Tate, Evergreen Kindergarten Teacher

Recycled Fashion Club
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-8
Interrupting the Waste Stream Through High Trashion!
Do you love to sew, use hot glue guns and design outfits? Do you love to surprise people with your creative ideas that help save the earth at the same time? Join Ms. Ona as you create spikey, glittery headdresses, smooth beautiful dresses and eye-catching necklaces using recycled materials! We will work together to complete two coordinated outfits. And get this! The best design will be entered into a REAL fashion show sponsored by Asheville Greenworks and displayed on the runway at Saturday, April 14th from 5-9 at the Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Asheville!
**To ensure a safe mix of kids and glue guns, we will do a weighted lottery for this club based on student age
Instructor: Ona Armstrong, Evergreen Kindergarten Teacher

3:45-4:45, grade range: 1-5
When you join the chess club, you will learn how the pieces move, special moves like check, checkmate, and castling, strategies for how to begin a game, how to win a game, and how to have fun doing all of this! Chess will help you to learn how to think better, and just may make you smarter! You will get to play chess with the other club members, and study real life games and work on chess puzzles. You can even play in tournaments!
Instructor: Bruce Roth, Asheville area chess master

Lights! Camera! Action!
3:45-5:15, grade range: 2-4
Whether you're a seasoned actor, just a ham, or always dreamed of acting on the big stage, here's your chance to gain acting, as well as personal/life skills and have a lot of fun while doing it! We'll delve into improvisation, with plenty of acting games both old and new, and also work on memorization, pantomime, script writing, character development and more!
Instructor: Pam Hecht, EverAfter Associate

Dream Team
3:45-4:45, grade range: 5-8
**Due to the generosity of some EverAfter stakeholders, this club is available at no cost!**
Come dance with us! Over 8 weeks, we will learn about many genres of dance, learn fun choreography and be a part of a team! We'll use jazz, hip-hop, and contemporary styles. No dance experience is necessary. Bring your moves and let’s groove!
Instructor: Britney Mellone

Adventure Team: Forest Hi-Flyers FULL
3:45-5:15, grade range: 5-8
*This Adventure Team club has a cost of $180 for ECCS students, $200 for others.
So you like a good challenge? We do too.
Our Beanstalk Forest is designed to cultivate the curiosity of inner strength and goal-setting. By playing around in the trees, our young adventurers take healthy risks and transfer the lessons to their lives. Over the 8 club sessions, participants will learn to how to fit and use their gear, execute the proper commands of the Beanstalk Forest, how to lower participants from the high ropes course and practice belay rescue techniques. This club is open to 4th-8th grade students that are willing to listen, learn, and apply climbing and ropes course skills.
For the motivated climber, our leaders can even support your ropes course guide certification (belay-certification is a prerequisite). This is one of Evergreen’s hardest certifications to earn - ropes course guide spots are limited, with opportunities to help Evergreen Summer Adventures this summer!
Instructors: Doug White, Evergreen Adventure Coordinator, Michael Kligerman and Emily Boykin, Evergreen Associates

Wolfpack Sports: Soccer FULL
3:45-5:30, grade range: 5-8
*Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $200.
NOTE: First practice day is March 6th, a week before other spring clubs
Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
Evergreen Wolfpack Soccer competes with the schools in The Hospitality League. There's room for any skill or experience level! Specific schedules and team information will be sent to those that sign up. Please use the Wolfpack Soccer page for more details.
Coach: Kevin Smith, Evergreen Technology Teacher, and other Evergreen staff.