Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Spring Clubs - 2018 Wednesdays

After the postponements on March 14th and 21st, Wednesday clubs this Spring will now not begin until after Spring Break. One exception: Wolfpack Ultimate will meet on March 28th until 5PM.
Exact dates for each club:
Gymnastics - April 11, 18, 25 and May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Balloon Blowout - April 11, 18, 25, May 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6 (3rd graders and instructor absent May 2nd for end of year trip)
Mountain Biking - April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 16, 23, 30, June 6 (most students absent May 9th for end of year trip)
Wolfpack Ultimate - March 28, April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, plus Mountain Sports Festival Sunday May 27 (many students will miss either May 2 and 9 for end of year trip, but remaining students will play)

3:45-4:45 grade range: K-2
We will be reading stories and learning American Sign Language signs to go along with them/ We’ll also watch stories by professional ASL storytellers. To go along with the stories, we will have sign language related games and crafts. Hope to see you there!!
Instructor: Kay Cole, Evergreen EC Associate, and Annie Cole, Evergreen Alumnus

Gymnastics FULL
3:45-4:45, grade range: K-3
Each week we crank up the music and set up stations of trampoline, basic tumbling, low beams, rings, balance boards, and strength training.
Instructor: EverAfter staff

Balloon Blowout
3:45-4:45, grade range: 3-6
Cost: $150 (covers materials!)
Learn to twist your own fun balloon creations. Animals, bugs, flowers, imaginary creatures, crazy hats, and more! Learn the basics, and soon you'll be ready to entertain your friends and family. Kids will get to keep their pump at the end of the class.
Instructor: Kevin Thompson, Evergreen 3rd Grade Associate

3:45-5:15, grade range: 5-8
Come work on your serves, volleys and footwork with our resident former Tennis pro, Jamal Jabali. We'll use the courts at the nearby East Asheville Rec Center. When the weather isn't so great, we'll bring it inside and play Pickleball or Ping Pong.
Instructor: Jamal Jabali, EverAfter Associate and resident tennis pro

Adventure Team: Intermediate Mountain Biking
3:45-5:15, grade range: 2-5 FULL
This Adventure Team club has a cost of $180 for ECCS students, $200 for others.
Riders will be learning the beginner and intermediate progressions of mountain biking by developing their skills in the following areas:
Trail riding: trail scanning and scouting on the EL trail to prepare for off campus adventures in the advanced club.
Bike handling: body positioning, speed and cadence, pressure control, etc.
Riding technical terrain: berms, rollers, table tops, jumps, etc.
Bike Maintenance: fix a flat, break a chain, adjustments to rider, etc.
If you have taken this club before*- you are welcome to sign up and improve on your skills. If you are working toward advanced mountain bike club- this is a great place to practice.
* If sign-ups exceed maximum space, priority will be given to first time club sign ups before the lottery.
Instructors: Doug White, Evergreen Adventure Coordinator, and Emily Boykin, Evergreen 6th Grade Associate

Wolfpack Sports: Ultimate Frisbee FULL
3:30-5:30, grade range: 5-8
Cost is $145
*Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates may vary due to coordination with other schools.
This Co-ed Wolfpack Sport is an amazing source of cardio! Every week, we join Asheville Youth Ultimate at Memorial Stadium. Other participating schools may include Asheville Middle, Rainbow Community, and Francine Delany. http://ashevilleultimate.org/youth
Come join this growing sport!
Coaches: Michael Kligerman, Evergreen 4th Grade Associate, and Holley Roberts, AmeriCorps Member