Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Spring Clubs 2019

Tuesday clubs this Spring begin on March 12th, and run 8 Tuesdays to May 7th*
NOTE: Meetings dates are now updated on the Spring Summary page.

Lego Maniacs
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-3
Cost: $140
Do you love to create with legos? Put together lego kits? Build, share, and get amazing ideas from your friends? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, the Lego Maniac Club is for you. The familiar clink of legos will be heard around Evergreen in this fun-filled, building club. Kids will get a chance to share their creations and inspire each other as they use legos to design their own creations and/or use pre-designed kits. Our final activity will be building a particular kit, which each participant will get to take home at the end!
Instructor: Heather Tate, Evergreen Kindergarten Teacher

EverAfter Adventures: Mix-n-Match
3:45-5:30, grade range: 1-3
Cost: $185
Do you like bikes...and climbing...and making fires...but you can't choose which club to sign up for? Sign up for this first ever Adventure Mix-n-Match and experience all of these awesome activities. You will get 2 weeks of climbing, 2 weeks of biking, 2 weeks of wilderness skills, and 2 weeks of surprise adventure activities.
Get ready to mix it up!
***club participants must provide their own bikes for biking days***
Instructors: Doug White and Michael Kligerman, Evergreen Adventure Crew

4:00-5:00, grade range: 1-5
When you join the chess club, you will learn how the pieces move, special moves like check, checkmate, and castling, strategies for how to begin a game, how to win a game, and how to have fun doing all of this! Chess will help you to learn how to think better, and just may make you smarter! You will get to play chess with the other club members, and study real life games and work on chess puzzles. You can even play in tournaments!
Instructor: Bruce Roth, Asheville area chess master

Lights! Camera! Action!
4:00-5:30, grade range: 3-6
Whether you're a seasoned actor, just a ham, or always dreamed of acting on the big stage, here's your chance to gain acting, as well as personal/life skills and have a lot of fun while doing it! We'll delve into improvisation, with plenty of acting games both old and new, and also work on memorization, pantomime, script writing, character development and more!
Instructor: Pam Hecht, EverAfter Associate

Pin Bombardment/Capture the Hoops
4:00-5:00, grade range: 3-8
Each week, we'll play one of these two tried and true Evergreen classics. As always at Evergreen, focus will be given to sportsmanship and fair play. To keep things interesting over the session, we may even adapt a few new rules!
Instructor: Eli Miller, EverAfter Associate

Wolfpack Sports: Soccer
3:45-5:30, grade range: 5-8
Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $205.
NOTE: Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
Evergreen Wolfpack Soccer competes in The Hospitality League. There's room for any skill or experience level, and goal #1 for every player is camaraderie and personal growth. We will likely just have one squad this year, so space is limited! We'll play a mixture of games against Hospitality League schools, other area alternative schools, and each other!
Coach: Kevin Smith, Evergreen Technology Teacher