Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Winter Clubs 2018-2019

Monday clubs this Winter, having missed 12/10 and 12/17, have the following dates remaining:
1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, and 3/11. Advanced Climbing will meet 2/18 instead of 3/11. Yoga will have a make-up day on Thursday Feb 21st, from 3:15-4:15.

2:15-3:15, grade range: K-2
Yoga is a wonderful way to open your child to the awareness of their place in the world. Each class will focus on a lesson or theme and will include creative yoga flow, breath work, games, stories, music, partner/group activities, visualization and relaxation. Through yoga, your child will develop strength, flexibility, self-confidence, balance, coordination, focus and discover the ability to feel calm.
Instructor: Ms. Brandon Hudson, RCYT, E-RYT, MAT, is a yoga teacher, children’s yoga teacher, a children’s yoga teacher trainer, and a trained yoga therapist that has over 15 years' experience working with both children and adults.

Medieval Swordplay
2:15-3:15, grade range: 3-8
*Medieval Swordplay has a cost of $160
Join Asheville's growing swordplay community, and play fun new games created by students! Learn swordplay skills, honor, discipline, and teamwork! Each session this year we will specialize in teaching the tactics for a different gear set, such as swords, spears, or archery.
Instructor: Phil Ferguson, http://wanderingswordsman.com/

Crafts, Critters and Clay
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-2
Fun art projects for K-2 artists! I took a poll of my K-2 art friends last trimester and we picked what we thought were the most fun projects. We will be doing two weeks of fox related crafts, then we will vote on what animals to do next. We’ll have Sculpey clay, origami, drawing and other cool art projects depending on our animal themes. Join us for a lot of art and fun every Monday - can’t wait to see everyone and get started!
Instructor: Kay Cole, Evergreen EC Associate

It's FUNdamental
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-3
Throwing and catching. Kicking and receiving. Attacking and defending. Punting, shooting, swinging, plus striking and running and jumping. We'll cover these fundamental aspects of all of your child's favorite sports as well as learn basic rules and play games.
Instructor: Sean Nelson, EverAfter Associate

4:00-5:00, grade range: 3-8
Crazy about Minecraft? Curious but have never played? Come learn how to play, work on your world, collaborate with others, and explore the amazing world of Minecraft. We welcome players of all skills, no experience necessary.
Instructor: Kevin Smith, Evergreen Technology Teacher

Adventure Team: Advanced Climbing
3:30-5:30, grade range: 4-8
Cost: $205
Feel like learning more about climbing technique, knots & different gear? Then this club is for you! We will learn by practicing new skills, reading knotwork & climbing guidebooks as well as watching each other & short films of world class climbers. We also plan on going to Warren Wilson College & Climbmax Climbing Gym to experience other climbing options in the area.
Though helpful, being Belay Certified is not a requirement. We will be bouldering & climbing on the ropes. Advanced Climbing is for students who have experience climbing and want to get to the next level!
Instructors: Michael Kligerman and Emily Boykin, Evergreen Adventure Associates

Adventure Team: Ski & Snowboard Club
1:00-6:00, grade range: 3-8
Cost: see Ski & Snowboard info page
We're excited to announce the second year of Ski & Snowboard club under the tutelage of Adventure Coordinator Doug! The club won’t actually begin until January (need to wait for the snow!), but we are listing this with the rest of EverAfter Winter Clubs as a space-saver. The sign-up process for this club will be separate from EverAfter Winter Clubs, however. Please click here for the full page devoted to Ski and Snowboard Club details. If you decide that you're planning to sign up for Ski & Snowboard club, DO NOT sign up for any other EverAfter Monday clubs.
Slope Chief: Doug White, Evergreen Adventure Coordinator

Can't decide? Due to Evergreen's earlier Monday dismissal time, club times have been staggered to allow Evergreen students to choose between the following double options. Please be sure to heed grade ranges.
Yoga and Crafts, Critters, and Clay- $170 (K-2nd)
Yoga and It's FUNdamental - $170 (K-2nd)
Swordplay and It's FUNdamental - $190 (3rd grade only)
Swordplay and Minecraft - $190 (3rd-8th)
Swordplay and Advanced Climbing - $250 (4th-8th)