Award-winning after school program in Asheville, N.C.
Winter Clubs 2018-2019

Thursday clubs this Winter began on December 6th, and run eight Thursdays to February 7th.
**Spanish Explorers skipped December 13th and finish on February 14th.

Star Wars Yoga Games
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-5
Yoga is a wonderful way to open your child to the awareness of their place in the world. This session will combine creative yoga flow, breath work, partner/group activities, visualization and relaxation with our Star Wars theme. Through yoga, your child will develop strength, flexibility, self-confidence, balance, coordination, focus and discover the ability to feel calm. And, the force they may learn, perhaps!
Instructor: Ms. Brandon Hudson, RCYT, E-RYT, MAT, is a yoga teacher, children’s yoga teacher, a children’s yoga teacher trainer, and a trained yoga therapist that has over 15 years' experience working with both children and adults.

Spanish Explorers
4:00-5:00, grade range: K-2
Come and join me for some fun activities, including: hiking, arts & crafts, read aloud, and games. I am excited to share with you my native language, Spanish. Nos vamos a divertir muchisimo! We are going to have lots of fun!
Maestra: Mari Echevarria, Evergreen 5th Grade Associate

These 50 States
4:00-5:00, grade range: 2-5
Geography, art, craft, singing, and instruments! Students will focus on State songs from around the country, learning their history and musical language, creating projects with an upcycled component geography and history. School House Rock may also be involved!
Instructor: Joanna Best, Evergreen Summer Camp staff and Asheville area teacher

Adventure Team: Wilderness Skills and Fire-Making
3:45-5:30, grade range: 4-8
Cost: $150
This club will focus on everyone's favorite part of being in nature: FIRE. We will learn how to responsibly make fire using everything from flint & steel to bow drill to good ol' matches. We will also learn about knife use and safety, shelter building, tarpology (use and set up of tarps) and knots...lots of knots.
***There will likely be many Chuck Norris references during club sessions so brush up on your Chuck Norris jokes***
Instructor: Doug White, Evergreen Chuck Norris Expert

Wolftracks Yearbook Crew
3:45-5:00, grade range: 5-8
Be part of this year's yearbook team, from the planning phase all the way to passing them out, with planning, photography and designing. Yearbook Crew will meet on Thursdays throughout the Winter Clubs session, and then as needed beyond. In the end, there will be a product that your friends will love and you can keep forever! Participants get a free yearbook.
Editor: Jean Reese, Evergreen Business Office Staff

Wolfpack Sports: Basketball FULL!
3:45-5:30, grade range: 5-8
Tuesday and Thursday commitment required. 2-day sports have a cost of $205.
NOTE: Wolfpack Sports are open only to Evergreen students, and dates and times may vary due to coordination with other schools. Specific schedule to be sent to those that that sign up.
Evergreen Wolfpack Basketball will have JV and Varsity squads, and each will play a mixture of games against Hospitality League schools, Asheville-area youth basketball programs, and each other!
Coaches: Emily Boykin (Varsity) and Jeff Armstrong (JV)